


Each year, the 艺术历史 department hires students as 学习助理 for introductory courses.  通过这些经历, 学生有机会与教授一起促进课程, 积极参与教学活动, 并在艺术史上提供对等学习.   


Many 艺术历史 majors and minors have the opportunity to intern at the 买球平台 Museum of Art.  通过学年和暑期实习, students apply the skills and understandings learned in 艺术历史 to a professional environment.  Through their internships, students work on exhibitions, educational programming, outreach, and more.  下面, majors share how their 艺术历史 coursework and internship experiences have strengthened each other. 



类: 2023

主要(s): 艺术历史, 经济学

小(s): 亚洲研究





在我作为教育助理实习期间, 我主要负责协助博物馆的学生大使项目. 这个项目的出发点是BCMA应该更好地融入校园,成为一个受欢迎的公共空间. 还有其他实习生和博物馆工作人员, we decided to hire a small cohort of student ambassadors who advance our goal through events, 社交媒体, 以及与不同学生团体的合作. I was responsible for preparation work such as hosting info sessions and reviewing submitted applications. In the following semester, we welcomed the cohort and I served as the leader of one ambassador group. 在我们每周的会议上, 我们集思广益,根据学生的兴趣划分角色. 在一起, we successfully launched the program and I’m super excited to see it grow over the coming years.


创建一个大使项目的想法实际上来自我的艺术史课程. I remember discussions in class where we talked about the role of institutions in the art world. 学生们经常在那里表达对BCMA的看法,认为它可能令人生畏,不像他们希望的那样吸引人. As an art history student, these discussions motivated me to become an education assistant. 我的实习也提供了宝贵的实践经验,展示了博物馆的倡议如何进一步吸引观众并传递某些信息. 

也, as an education assistant, I was responsible to film videos for virtual family Saturdays. 通常是我在谈论一个正在展出的展览. The visual analysis skills and creativity I developed in my art history classes greatly helped me write the script. 我记得写过剧本 乔纳·弗兰克:样板房 讨论如何最好地通过文字传递独特的沉浸式体验. 我特别注意装置的体验性质,并选择了特定的作品来突出. I was also responsible for creating a small craft activity related to the theme for people to follow.

实习结束后, 你在BCMA的实习对你的艺术史研究有什么影响?   

我在BCMA的实习为我提供了一个有利的机会,让我了解艺术和博物馆在社区中的多重责任. My work as an education assistant also bridged my academic learning and the real world. It allowed me to understand the challenges faced by the museum as well as the means it has to advocate for art. 也, 因为我们试图吸引BCMA的学生观众, 我越来越意识到观众在解读艺术中的作用. 很多时候, the discussions of art pieces in class revolve around the creation process and the art world’s reception. 我的实习让我看到了一件作品在博物馆展出后会发生什么,并促使我思考艺术在更广泛的社会中的作用.

新男友Storni的照片, 微笑, 穿着灰色t恤和棕色夹克, 以蓝天和草山为背景


类: 2023





During my time at the BCMA I worked on a wide variety of projects that included organizing and leading museum tours, 在教员办公室的墙上为作品写标签, 并帮助发展学生大使项目. 我认为将这些项目中的职责分为两类并不过分简化. 一个专注于研究,另一个专注于组织. 安排参观和写墙上的标签更以研究为中心,这让我更多地了解了博物馆的藏品,同时也帮助我理解和理解那些我通常不会被吸引的艺术作品.  例如,我的任务是为Lois Dodd的作品写一个墙上标签,标题为 穿过田野的路径.  虽然最初我不知所措,不确定如何接近这幅画, 通过研究和与BCMA工作人员的讨论,我对多德的工作产生了一种欣赏,这种欣赏一直伴随我至今. 另一方面, 像为学生大使计划组织兴趣会议这样的项目可以被看作是组织责任,这给了我管理人员和组织活动的经验. 


The art history department and the courses they offer provide an excellent tool set for working at the BCMA. 在基本层面上,利用历史背景和视觉分析来发展基于艺术作品的论点的技能,使我更容易接近并开始研究我以前从未见过的艺术作品. 这对实习的各个方面都很有帮助. 另外, 艺术史课程中围绕多种艺术史叙事及其含义进行的典型讨论,使我意识到我们如何在博物馆和文化机构中讲述故事的影响和重要性.  

实习结束后, 你在BCMA的实习对你的艺术史研究有什么影响?  

在完成BCMA的实习后,我变得更善于接触以前从未见过的艺术作品,并使用视觉分析和历史背景等技能,然后将它们置于艺术史叙事中. Interning at the BCMA also reinforced skills in art historical research that are crucial in all art history courses. 

然而, 作为BCMA的一名教育实习生,我的目标之一是让不同艺术史背景的人都能接触到艺术史内容.  To do this I often had to break down complex topics into easier and more digestible chunks. This became useful in Art history courses and beyond as it allowed me to be clear in my communication of ideas. 

布兰登·舒斯特微笑的照片, 穿着一件浅蓝色的钮扣衬衫, 背景是绿树成荫的山坡


类: 2023

主要(s): 艺术历史, 政府及法律研究

小(s): 经济学

“编织艺术家的声明和采访, 批评, and scholarly work into distinct themes or narratives is a skill that 艺术历史 courses equipped me with.” 




As a Student Curatorial Assistant my primary focus was on an upcoming exhibition focused on William T. 威廉姆斯. 我与安妮·古德伊尔密切合作,对这位艺术家的实践进行研究, 发掘当代对他作品的反应, 深入挖掘这个夏天出现的主题. This work required navigating the archives, looking closely at his work, and interviewing the artist. 在这个项目之外,另一个亮点是担任博物馆的讲解员. 在这个角色中, 我创建了自己的夏季展览之旅, 选择既令人兴奋又主题统一的作品. 在这个角色中, I was also able to introduce our visiting artists and lecturers to the museum by giving a brief walkthrough the galleries; this was an exciting opportunity to meet one-on-one with exhibited artists or visiting art historians. 


The 艺术历史 courses that I had taken provided me with knowledge and skills that proved vital. 上面提到的两个项目都需要我借鉴我在课堂上学到的知识. 为了世界大战展览, 我带来了对如何进行艺术史研究的理解,这是我从格里教授的中世纪艺术研讨会等课程中获得的. 编织艺术家的声明和采访, 批评, and scholarly work into distinct themes or narratives is a skill that 艺术历史 courses equipped me with. 作为讲解员, 我的艺术史背景给了我知识,更重要的是,让我有信心分享我对我们收藏的作品的看法,同时也能够与参观者交谈并回答问题.  

Answering visitor questions requires the ability to visually analyze a work that you may be unfamiliar with, 除了基本的墓碑信息提供. 你在艺术史课上反复练习这个技巧, where you often offer your thoughts and opinions on works in smaller discussion-based or seminar-style classes.  

实习结束后, 你在BCMA的实习对你的艺术史研究有什么影响?  

当我在BCMA实习的时候,夏季演出是 黎明时分 是买球平台缅因州的艺术创作的吗. 了解这个展览进一步提高了我对美国艺术的兴趣,并激励我参加伯德教授买球平台温斯洛·荷马的研讨会, which we tailored to spend time talking about historical and contemporary exhibition of his art. We also worked with the museum in this course to examine the 首页r family papers in the museum’s collection, culminating with an exhibition proposal for a set of Henrietta 首页r watercolors and sketches. This intersection of BCMA and 艺术历史 studies made both the internship and the course more rewarding! 

Photo of 布鲁克Wrubel, a closeup, 微笑, with dark blue t-shirt and gray background


类: 2021

主要(s): 艺术历史, 意大利研究

小(s): 跳舞

这种将视觉转化为语言的技能, 把图像翻译成文字, 对每一篇艺术史论文和墙上的标签都一样重要吗.” 


2019-2020学年 Student Curatorial Assistant; Spring 2021 Student Curatorial Assistant; Summer 2021 Exhibition Assistant和 Research Associate


In my first several months as a Student Curatorial Assistant, I contributed to the final stages of 亚述到美洲. One of my responsibilities was to develop digital didactics that were displayed in the galleries. 与学术科技合作, 我设计了一个国际图像互操作性框架(IIIF)亭,引导观众近距离观看亚述浮雕. 另外, 我制作了一个互动的时间轴,将展览中所代表的三个时期编织在一起. 

我的大部分工作都集中在 古代 & 美国 在策展过程的早期. This gave me the opportunity to gain a holistic understanding of how exhibitions are crafted. 馆长肖恩·伯勒斯慷慨地允许我主导圆形大厅画廊的所有策展决定,在那里我们展示了爱德华·佩里·沃伦的精选捐赠. 这项工作包括评估和提出展览的对象,并为在线出版物撰写沃伦的传记文章. In the summer following my graduation, I served as Exhibition Assistant和 Research Associate. 在此期间, 我最终确定了对象列表, 设计机箱布局, 并为27件物品写了墙上标签和目录条目.


第一个作业 艺术史导论 是画一幅在BCMA展出的画,然后写一篇视觉分析. 将视觉转化为语言的技巧, 把图像翻译成文字, 对每一篇艺术史论文和墙上的标签都一样重要吗. The introductory course also included a weekly visit to the BCMA where we were taught how to look closely at works. 我们被鼓励提出有关材料的问题, 规模, 函数, 和接待, 这种思维方式影响着如此广泛的博物馆工作.  

BCMA继续与我的艺术史研究相交. 举个例子,我参加了一个买球平台中世纪艺术策展的研讨会. 凯瑟琳·格里. Readings and discussions interrogated major trends and challenges when engaging with objects from this period. 我们运用我们对策展景观的理解,研究并为Wyvern收藏的物品写了墙上的标签和目录条目, 租借给BCMA. 这些作品已刊登在展览图录内, 中世纪的新观点,使我获得了出版过程的第一手经验. Undergoing several rounds of edits from the BCMA staff helped me understand the style, 观众, 以及面向公众的适当词汇, 博物馆的写作.

实习结束后, 你在BCMA的实习对你的艺术史研究有什么影响? 

我在买球平台的课程中发现了我对中世纪艺术的迷恋, 这是我现在在研究生阶段所追求的激情. 我很高兴我的博物馆工作能继续支持我的学业, which is rather surprising given that my internship was grounded in much earlier time periods. Beyond providing me with critical art historical knowledge that I continue to draw on, I discovered many points of curiosity that have found their way into my current research interests. 

例如, 我在研究爱德华·佩里·沃伦(Edward Perry Warren)捐赠的物品时,第一次在BCMA藏品中遇到了罗马玻璃 古代 & 美国. 2021年从买球平台毕业后, 我在宾夕法尼亚大学继续我的学业, 2023年获得艺术史硕士学位. 论文的第三章主要论述了 basse-taille, 一个浅浮雕, translucent enamel technique developed by Sienese goldsmiths in the late fourteenth century. 在研究中世纪玻璃生产, I returned to Roman glass as I considered continuity and change in technique over time. 当我在哥伦比亚大学开始我的博士研究时,我期待着研究中世纪威尼斯的珐琅和玻璃技术, 实现了在BCMA引发的兴趣.