在我作为教育助理实习期间, 我主要负责协助博物馆的学生大使项目. 这个项目的出发点是BCMA应该更好地融入校园,成为一个受欢迎的公共空间. 还有其他实习生和博物馆工作人员, we decided to hire a small cohort of student ambassadors who advance our goal through events, 社交媒体, 以及与不同学生团体的合作. I was responsible for preparation work such as hosting info sessions and reviewing submitted applications. In the following semester, we welcomed the cohort and I served as the leader of one ambassador group. 在我们每周的会议上, 我们集思广益,根据学生的兴趣划分角色. 在一起, we successfully launched the program and I’m super excited to see it grow over the coming years.
创建一个大使项目的想法实际上来自我的艺术史课程. I remember discussions in class where we talked about the role of institutions in the art world. 学生们经常在那里表达对BCMA的看法,认为它可能令人生畏,不像他们希望的那样吸引人. As an art history student, these discussions motivated me to become an education assistant. 我的实习也提供了宝贵的实践经验,展示了博物馆的倡议如何进一步吸引观众并传递某些信息.
也, as an education assistant, I was responsible to film videos for virtual family Saturdays. 通常是我在谈论一个正在展出的展览. The visual analysis skills and creativity I developed in my art history classes greatly helped me write the script. 我记得写过剧本 乔纳·弗兰克:样板房 讨论如何最好地通过文字传递独特的沉浸式体验. 我特别注意装置的体验性质,并选择了特定的作品来突出. I was also responsible for creating a small craft activity related to the theme for people to follow.
实习结束后, 你在BCMA的实习对你的艺术史研究有什么影响?
我在BCMA的实习为我提供了一个有利的机会,让我了解艺术和博物馆在社区中的多重责任. My work as an education assistant also bridged my academic learning and the real world. It allowed me to understand the challenges faced by the museum as well as the means it has to advocate for art. 也, 因为我们试图吸引BCMA的学生观众, 我越来越意识到观众在解读艺术中的作用. 很多时候, the discussions of art pieces in class revolve around the creation process and the art world’s reception. 我的实习让我看到了一件作品在博物馆展出后会发生什么,并促使我思考艺术在更广泛的社会中的作用.